Saturday, May 31, 2008

Orange Crush Spring House May 31st game

I sure have been shooting a bunch of these lately! Today's game was pretty fun - a hat trick and a tie game! It got pretty exciting - these kids are definitely advancing!

Here's the gallery.

Spring House/Orange Crush May 31st game

Monday, May 26, 2008

May 25th Spring house game

The Spring House team had another game yesterday, and I went along to practice. Shooting with available light has been made easier by the 35-100 F2.0, but I think I may have to rig something up with remote flashes. They're not cheap, but I'd get much better results.

Here are the photos!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Orange Crush Hockey!

This past weekend, I got to work out my new F/2.0 constant zoom at the first Orange Crush hockey game. See the photos here!